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Hermit Road 9:16 Sun Oct 11
Conservative government plan massive tax hike on pensions.
If any further proof was required that this government is a New, New Labour, rather than a Conservative one, here it is. The government plans to raise billions of pounds through a massive tax hike on pension savers. Not only is this tax rise disgraceful, but to do it on pension savers, something Gordon Brown was criticised for and an area that the Conservatives always supported, shows that Osborn and Cameron have no regard for those who save, prudently for retirement.

Still, it's them or Corbyn now, so I guess they can do whatever they want.


Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Mike Oxsaw 5:12 Tue Oct 13
Re: Conservative government plan massive tax hike on pensions.
" I took issue with Mad dog's assertion that teachers had had their pay frozen."

If you can't see that pay can be frozen without affecting agreed incremental awards then there really is no hope for you. The increment is a legally agreed item; it already belongs to the employee and the employer has factored it into their cost base. He has it already but cannot access it to spend.

If I take on a 3 year role where the 1st years payment is 10% LESS than the 2nd year's, and the 3rd years payment is 10% MORE than the 2nd year's, my take-home pay differs over the 3 years but I would end up with exactly the same amount had all 3 years salary been presented at year 2 level, hence NO pay rise.

Anything on top of THAT would be a pay rise.

Eerie Descent 12:06 Tue Oct 13
Re: Conservative government plan massive tax hike on pensions.
SurfaceAgentX2Zero 11:41 Mon Oct 12


ManorParkHammer 12:02 Tue Oct 13
Re: Conservative government plan massive tax hike on pensions.
No his new method is to insist people are drunk.

Hermit has him on the ropes.

i-Ron 11:58 Mon Oct 12
Re: Conservative government plan massive tax hike on pensions.
Has he called you a lefty yet?

ManorParkHammer 11:54 Mon Oct 12
Re: Conservative government plan massive tax hike on pensions.
I live in Manor Park and work in Bow.

My method of transport is a bicycle.

If I could post pissed travelling home I would be very impressed with myself.

So wrong again.

Still avoiding the subject of the thread as well.

You must be in pain.

Mugged by Hermit.
Mugged by comma.
Mugged by. Mad Dog.

SurfaceAgentX2Zero 11:41 Mon Oct 12
Re: Conservative government plan massive tax hike on pensions.
Eerie - you and MPH are my dedicated readers. And you both post pissed on the late train, regular as clockwork.

I do so value your input.

Eerie Descent 11:39 Mon Oct 12
Re: Conservative government plan massive tax hike on pensions.
Every time I see Surface's username, I just laugh that he tried to dig someone out for defending something they don't believe in.



i-Ron 11:37 Mon Oct 12
Re: Conservative government plan massive tax hike on pensions.

ManorParkHammer 11:35 Mon Oct 12
Re: Conservative government plan massive tax hike on pensions.
Concerned for your drop in standards here.

Just hope a religious thread does not come up soon if this is anything to go by.

Would not even be fun.

SurfaceAgentX2Zero 11:16 Mon Oct 12
Re: Conservative government plan massive tax hike on pensions.
ManorParkHammer 10:43 Mon Oct 12

Spanking? Really?

I'm beginning to think you don't like, me, mate.

riosleftsock 11:11 Mon Oct 12
Re: Conservative government plan massive tax hike on pensions.
The problem with teachers is not teachers.

Its the system that they are forced into.

And its the system that al of our graduates and school leavers are forced into.

Whenever an organisation allows a MBA or management graduate type to sneak in to their upper management, all they want to do is suround themselves with people like themselves.

Before you know it, the fantastic profession becomes measured on an output only template with the SLA's and KPI's as best they can.

Nothing is considered for thick kids and how to help them feel valued, nothing is considered for teachers who spend their time helping to turn out well-rounded individuals.

Its just box-ticking numptiness.

ManorParkHammer 10:43 Mon Oct 12
Re: Conservative government plan massive tax hike on pensions.
I would be trying to divert attention away from the spanking you have been given on this thread as well.


SurfaceAgentX2Zero 10:41 Mon Oct 12
Re: Conservative government plan massive tax hike on pensions.
ManorParkHammer 10:26 Mon Oct 12

It's that posting pissed on the train time again, isn't it, mate?

ManorParkHammer 10:38 Mon Oct 12
Re: Conservative government plan massive tax hike on pensions.
What vegan cafe were you in?

Hermit Road 10:37 Mon Oct 12
Re: Conservative government plan massive tax hike on pensions.
I was in a vegan cafe earlier. Is there a special shop where vegans go to buy shit, oversized jumpers?

ManorParkHammer 10:33 Mon Oct 12
Re: Conservative government plan massive tax hike on pensions.
Good work here, Peter.

Hermit Road 10:31 Mon Oct 12
Re: Conservative government plan massive tax hike on pensions.
Comma, in this case though Surface is arguing in favour of a massive tax hike. He's getting in touch with his inner lefty. You two will be best mates by Christmas.

ManorParkHammer 10:28 Mon Oct 12
Re: Conservative government plan massive tax hike on pensions.
Even comma is sticking the boot in.

Painful to see.

, 10:26 Mon Oct 12
Re: Conservative government plan massive tax hike on pensions.
Hermit you and Mad dog are both right about not having a pay rise and Serf knows it but in his usual way will wriggle and wriggle so as not to appear wrong. As for you and /or Mad dog not being Labour the fact is that Sef is well to the right of you both. To him anyone to his left is de facto a leftie.

ManorParkHammer 10:26 Mon Oct 12
Re: Conservative government plan massive tax hike on pensions.
Things seems are looking a bit sticky for Surface here.

Will wait for his response first.

Would hate to see him get mugged off.

Hermit Road 10:22 Mon Oct 12
Re: Conservative government plan massive tax hike on pensions.
Hang on Surface. UPS has been performance -related for 15 years. MDs assertion that he hadn't had a pay rise was accurate, because he was beyond the incremental scale.

As for the left wing teacher stereotype. Teachers teach what they are told to teach. In this case by Michael Gove (not Morgan). The irony also seems lost on you that you're arguing with two teachers on here who are most definitely not left wing. As for valuing them, that means shit if it is only words. As you know, the market values people by what it puts in their pay packet, your value would lead to less of them choosing that pay packet and a few more Teaching Assistants teaching Maths classes.

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